
Returns the information about a transaction requested by transaction hash.


DATA, 32 Bytes - hash of a transaction


Object - A transaction object, or null when no transaction was found:

  • blockHash: DATA, 32 Bytes - hash of the block where this transaction was in.

  • blockNumber: QUANTITY - block number where this transaction was in.

  • from: DATA, 20 Bytes - address of the sender.

  • gas: QUANTITY - gas provided by the sender.

  • gasPrice: QUANTITY - gas price provided by the sender in Wei.

  • hash: DATA, 32 Bytes - hash of the transaction.

  • input: DATA - the data send along with the transaction.

  • nonce: QUANTITY - the number of transactions made by the sender prior to this one.

  • to: DATA, 20 Bytes - address of the receiver. null when its a contract creation transaction.

  • transactionIndex: QUANTITY - integer of the transactions index position in the block.

  • value: QUANTITY - value transferred in Wei.

  • v: QUANTITY - ECDSA recovery id

  • r: DATA, 32 Bytes - ECDSA signature r

  • s: DATA, 32 Bytes - ECDSA signature s


// Request
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_getTransactionByHash","params":["0xa5007c001f18b75b3ff0beb5b394734fcdfcf54fac808f4fefc50fb9aa770ff7"],"id":1}'

// Result
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
        "hash": "0xa5007c001f18b75b3ff0beb5b394734fcdfcf54fac808f4fefc50fb9aa770ff7",
        "nonce": "0xea042d7c",
        "blockHash": "0x0239756b04ab15911279a75860d93f3867f1de3086b840175351d4d10e2bb50d",
        "blockNumber": "0x239756b",
        "transactionIndex": "0x0",
        "from": "0xb9fe947d6e3c03b190df441da142127878af1343",
        "to": "0x2c3b31f752bd3bbefec6b1f0e82c47575e42db93",
        "value": "0x0",
        "gas": "0x1da61",
        "gasPrice": "0x1",
        "input": "0x23b872dd000000000000000000000000b9fe947d6e3c03b190df441da142127878af13430000000000000000000000009b2461f63718cb895a3a29a4eee4f4fcb15dea88c000000000000000000002000000006458bb4c010000000500000000000001ef",
        "r": "0xf37cf1be5dfab24436cdf76cd4694dc9954070a4dee7b35a3193c165b17fb850",
        "s": "0x6af2e5776347949b4b4a5d803a7830f201153b488cace8271df68568dcae08fe",
        "v": "0xc8"
    "id": 1

Last updated

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