API Reference

This page serves as API documentation index and lists the available JSON-RPC methods that BlockPI supports.

BlockPI Network is now fully available on more than 60 chains including Mainnet and Testnet. BlockPI also provide blockpi_ namespace to provide account information queries.


BlockPI supports WebSocket and HTTPS. Note that the eth_subscribe method is only available for WebSocket.

To safeguard the RPC node, every RPC provider sets a timeout for WebSocket connections to be disconnected periodically. In the case of BlockPI, the timeout is set to 30 minutes after each connection is established. Please check the code sample of our Best Practices page for instruction.

If you send batch RPC requests in a single HTTPS request, cost would be based on the number of RPC requests. Note that there is limit time for a Https request. If too many RPC requests are sent with one Https request, there may be a timeout error. So the number is limited to 10 for public endpoints and 1000 for private endpoints.

Last updated

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