Encode submission
This endpoint accepts an EncodeSubmissionRequest, which internally is a UserTransactionRequestInner (and optionally secondary signers) encoded as JSON, validates the request format, and then returns that request encoded in BCS. The client can then use this to create a transaction signature to be used in a SubmitTransactionRequest, which it then passes to the /transactions POST endpoint.
To be clear, this endpoint makes it possible to submit transaction requests to the API from languages that do not have library support for BCS. If you are using an SDK that has BCS support, such as the official Rust, TypeScript, or Python SDKs, you do not need to use this endpoint.
To sign a message using the response from this endpoint:
Decode the hex encoded string in the response to bytes.
Sign the bytes to create the signature.
Use that as the signature field in something like Ed25519Signature, which you then use to build a TransactionSignature.
Request body:
Request to encode a submission
sender string<hex> required
A hex encoded 32 byte Aptos account address.
sequence_number string<uint64> required
A string containing a 64-bit unsigned integer.
max_gas_amount string<uint64> required
A string containing a 64-bit unsigned integer.
gas_unit_price string<uint64> required
A string containing a 64-bit unsigned integer.
expiration_timestamp_secs string<uint64> required
A string containing a 64-bit unsigned integer.
payload object required
Payload which runs a single entry function, or
Payload which runs a script that can run multiple functions, or
An enum of the possible transaction payloads
secondary_signers array[string]
Secondary signer accounts of the request for Multi-agent
Response Header:
Current block height of the chain
Chain ID of the current chain
Current epoch of the chain
Oldest non-pruned ledger version of the chain
Current timestamp of the chain
Current ledger version of the chain
Oldest non-pruned block height of the chain
Response Body:
All bytes (Vec) data is represented as hex-encoded string prefixed with 0x
and fulfilled with two hex digits per byte.
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