Subscribe to different Ethereum event types like newHeads, logs, pendingTransactions, and minedTransactions using WebSockets.
Event types- specifies the type of event to listen to (ex: new pending transactions, logs, etc.)
Optional params - optional parameters to include to describe the type of event to listen to (ex: address)
While the subscription is active, you will receive events formatted as an object described below:
Event Object:
jsonrpc: Always "2.0"
method: Always "eth_subscription"
params: An object with the following fields:
subscription: The subscription ID returned by the eth_subscribe call which created this subscription. This ID will be attached to all received events and can also be used to cancel the subscription using eth_unsubscribe
result: An object whose contents vary depending on the event type.
// initiate websocket stream
wscat -c wss://<your-api-key>
//create an event
{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id": 2, "method": "eth_subscribe", "params": ["newHeads"]}
// Result