
Get block_results. When the discard_abci_responses storage flag is enabled, this endpoint will return an error.

If the height field is set to a non-default value, upon success, the Cache-Control header will be set with the default maximum age.


height - int, height to return. If no height is provided, it will fetch information regarding the latest block.


// Request
curl -X GET -H 'Content-Type: application/json'  https://dymension.blockpi.network/rpc/v1/<your-api-key>/block_results?height=1435053

// Result
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
        "begin_block_events": [
                "attributes": [
                        "index": true,
                        "key": "c3BlbmRlcg==",
                        "value": "ZHltMW0zaDMwd2x2c2Y4bGxydXh0cHVrZHZzeTBrbTJrdW04NnZ0N3p3"
                        "index": true,
                        "key": "YW1vdW50",
                        "value": null
                "type": "coin_spent"
                "attributes": [
                        "index": true,
                        "key": "cmVjZWl2ZXI=",
                        "value": "ZHltMTd4cGZ2YWttMmFtZzk2MnlsczZmODR6M2tlbGw4YzVsenkweHdu"
                        "index": true,
                        "key": "YW1vdW50",
                        "value": null
                "type": "coin_received"

Last updated